Zamazenta - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle | Pokemon Sword and Shield|Game8 (2025)

Zamazenta - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle | Pokemon Sword and Shield|Game8 (1)
This is a strategy guide for using Zamazenta in competitive play for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, and Held Items to use with Zamazenta, as well as its strengths and weak points.

Zamazenta - Related Guides
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List of Contents

  • Basic Information for Zamazenta
  • Singles Movesets for Zamazenta
  • Doubles Movesets for Zamazenta
  • How to Use Zamazenta Effectively
  • How to Build a Team with Zamazenta
  • Counters for Zamazenta
  • Related Links

Basic Information for Zamazenta

Types and Abilities

PokemonType 1Type 2


Dauntless ShieldBoosts the Pokémon's Defense stat when the Pokémon enters a battle.

Zamazenta Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage-
Takes 2x damage

Takes 0.5x damage

Takes 1/4x damage

Takes 0x damage

What is Type Effectiveness?

Base Stats

HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed

Best Nature for Zamazenta

Best Natures
(+Def, -Sp. Atk)
(+Sp. Def, -Sp. Atk)
(+Spe, -Sp. Atk)

What are Natures?

Singles Movesets for Zamazenta

Zamazenta - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle | Pokemon Sword and Shield|Game8 (19)

Metal Burst Moveset & Best Build

NatureImpish (+Def, -Sp. Atk)
EV SpreadHP 252 / Atk 76 / Def 180
Final Stat ValuesHP 199 / Atk 160 / Def 206 / Sp. Def 165 / Spe 148
AbilityDauntless Shield
Held ItemRusted Shield
MovesetMetal Burst
Behemoth Bash
Close Combat

Zamazenta boasts great defenses and an Ability that complements those defenses. Its addition to a team is sure to improve the team's overall bulk and defense.

About Zamazenta's Moves

Metal Burst is the set's most important move, essentially allowing Zamazenta to take out at least one of your opponent's Pokemon.
Behemoth Bash is Zamazenta's primary STAB move. This move normally deals good damage, but it deals twice as much against a Dynamaxed foe.

Close Combat works as Zamazenta's secondary STAB move, allowing it to knock out a Dark-type Pokemon after switching into a Dark-type move.

Crunch is Zamazenta's coverage move of choice, allowing it to deal good damage against Ghost-types and Psychic-types that Close Combat may not work on.

About Zamazenta's EV Spread

252 HP EV's and 180 Defense EV's lets Zamazenta survive a +3 Close Combat from Zacian and consequently knock it out with its Metal Burst if Zamazenta is at full health.

The rest of the EV's are put into its Attack stat so that it is sure to deal good damage whenever it attacks for super-effective damage.

About Zamazenta's Ability

Dauntless Shield is Zamazenta's only Ability, which boosts its Defense by 1 stage upon entering the battle.

About Zamazenta's Held Item

Zamazenta's held item is the Rusted Shield since this is what transforms it into its Crowned Sword form. This item also turns Iron Head into Behemoth Bash.

Other Viable Moves

Wild ChargeWild Charge allows Zamazenta to hit bulky Water-types for super-effective damage.
Psychic FangsPsychic Fangs provides Zamazenta with coverage against Fighting and Poison-types
Play RoughPlay Rough gives Zamazenta an attack that can hit most types for neutral damage. This move has a chance of missing.

Doubles Movesets for Zamazenta

Coaching Moveset & Best Build

Zamazenta - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle | Pokemon Sword and Shield|Game8 (20)

NatureJolly (+Spe, -Sp. Atk)
EV SpreadHP 252 / Atk 4 / Spe 252
Final Stat ValuesHP 199 / Atk 151 / Def 165 / Sp. Def 165 / Spe 198
AbilityDauntless Shield
Held ItemRusted Shield
MovesetBehemoth Bash
Close Combat
Wide Guard

Zamazenta effectively fulfills a supportive role thanks to a great selection of support moves, good defenses and an Ability that complements these defenses. This Pokemon is an excellent fit for defensive teams.

About Zamazenta's Moves

Behemoth Bash is Zamazenta's primary STAB move. This move normally deals good damage, but it deals twice as much against a Dynamaxed foe.

Close Combat works as Zamazenta's secondary STAB move, allowing it to knock out a Dark-type Pokemon after switching into a Dark-type move.

Coaching lets Zamazenta increase a teammate's Attack and Defense stats, possibly setting up a partner to sweep.

Wide Guard protects Zamazenta and its teammate from ever-present multi-target moves.

About Zamazenta's EV Spread

Maximizing HP and Speed best fits this Zamazenta set because it needs to be as bulky as possible so that it can support for as long as possible, and also be as quick as possible so that it can use a support move like Coaching right away. The remaining 4 EV's are put into its Attack stat so that it can contribute offensively to a battle.

About Zamazenta's Ability

Dauntless Shield is Zamazenta's only Ability, which boosts its Defense by 1 stage upon entering the battle.

About Zamazenta's Held Item

Zamazenta's held item is the Rusted Shield since this is what transforms it into its Crowned Sword form. This item also turns Iron Head into Behemoth Bash.

Other Viable Moves

Wild ChargeWild Charge allows Zamazenta to hit bulky Water-types for super-effective damage.

How to Use Zamazenta Effectively

Zamazenta is often good to lead with thanks to its sizeable bulk. It is also a good switch-in to resisted moves. Making sure it doesn't get Taunted or hit with a super-effective special attack can ensure that Zamazenta sticks around long enough to support its teammates.

How to Build a Team with Zamazenta

Physical attackers who can benefit from Zamazenta's Coaching are good teammates for Zamazenta to have. Zamazenta can fit into any team and be good in a support role thanks to its useful support moves.

Coaching Support

Zamazenta offers its teammates support through Coaching and Wide Guard.

Example Build Team

Physical Attacker Support Physical Attacker
Rillaboom Zamazenta Thundurus

Zamazenta can offer Coaching support to its physically offensive teammates. Rillaboom can benefit from this because it has good bulk and attack stats that can further get boosted by Coaching. Using Fake Out on turn 1 while Zamazenta uses Coaching on Rillaboom is a good way to set up your team for offense.

Physically offensive Thundurus can also benefit from Coaching because of its immunity to Intimidate. Thundurus can be equipped with Assault Vest so that it can be bulky both physically and specially.

Both Rillaboom and Thundurus appreciate Zamazenta's Wide Guard support, being able to protect them from super-effective Blizzard,Heat Waves, or any other spread moves. This greatly improves the team's matchups against Kyogre and Groudon who have powerful spread moves in Water Spout and Precipice Blades.

Wide Guard can also protect your team from an opposing Calyrex (Shadow Rider)'s Astral Barrage.

Counters for Zamazenta

Counter Zamazenta by Disabling it or by Attacking it with Special Attacks

Using Taunt on Zamazenta can nullify its capability to support its teammates. Special Attackers who can hit it for super-effective damage can also give Zamazenta a run for its money.

Best Pokemon to Use

TornadusRanking: ★★★★★ ・Can shut down Zamazenta's support options with Taunt.
PalkiaRanking: ★★★★★ ・Can knock out Zamazenta with a powerful Max Quake.
CharizardRanking: ★★★★★ ・Can outspeed and threaten Zamazenta with a super-effective Fire-type move.

Related Links

Zamazenta - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle | Pokemon Sword and Shield|Game8 (27)

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.